My Free software activities in April 2017


Still reviewing the pending bugs and patches for the Image package:

  • fixed graythresh Otsu method when images have all the same value (bug #545333) by Avinoam Kalma.
  • new function imsharpen (patch #9281) by Avinoam Kalma.
  • fixed normxcorr2 returning 0 for regions where image has all the same value (bug #50122) by Hartmut Gimpel.
  • fixed computation of ellipse properties (bug #49613) by Avinoam Kalma.
  • imreconstruct should clip marker values higher than mask instead of throwing an error (bug #48794)

Somehow got myself responsible for more things. Now also have access to Octave's server where the repos, wiki, and planet is hosted, to help out when needed.


Start packaging Algorithm::SVM (libalgorithm-svm-perl) which debian-med required to package psrtb.

Changed libbio-eutilities-perl package to remove unnecessary dependencies so it can be easily ported to older versions of Debian.


Fixed bug #781538 for correct highlighting of include type of LaTeX commands.